"Am so disgusted by the NRM MP's"- Bebe Cool scoofs after them pocketing 20M

Posted on Apr 18, 2020
By Sean Musa Carter
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The Gagamel boss Moses Ssali aka Bebe Cool claims to be disgusted by how NRM Members of Parliament (MPs) keep allocating money to their pockets, instead of helping vulnerable people during the current COVID-19 lockdown period.

Bebe Cool’s statement came in as a personal concern after legislators allocated Shs10 billion to themselves towards coronavirus sensitization; they shared the money equally where each of MP received Shs20 million to help them in sensitizing their constituencies about the pandemic.

Through his social media platform on Friday, the main ‘Muzukulu’ said that MPs already earn more than Shs25 million a month, but wondered why do they have to be so selfish to an extent of disregarding the feelings of Ugandans who are suffering in this period.

Below is His Full Statement:

" Am so disgusted by the NRM members of Parliament on the decision to accept the 20 million Ugandan shillings in the name of sensitization of covid-19 in your constituencies.
You completely disregarded the feelings of the Ugandans who for sure are suffering in this period.
Why didn't you say you wanted the 20m to buy posho and beans for atleast 450 homes of sick and old vulnerable people in your constituencies.10kgs of posho cost 22000 and 5kgs of beans cost 20000.

You each would have bought approximately 450 bags of posho and 450 bags of beans.
If you think well,adding one month of your salary would have doubled the help to these voters.
You already each earn a minimum of 25m per month,of which non of you has put a motion in parliament to cut it to half during these hard months to support government financially.

20m (for sensitization) plus 25m (from your one month salary) equals 45 million shillings which is way less, considering how much you spend during campaigns.These are the times when you should side with all your people and not your pockets.
These are the times when you should sacrifice income from your businesses to sustain/support a good number of your voters.
As a comrade who has always gone looking for Nrm votes from these same voters, you deny me the platform to support you.
I feel so heartbroken with this decision made by parliament despite the fact that there are more things that indeed go wrong but we try and understand because of the pre-existing conditions of our economy and country.

But i also understand that fighting president M7 out is being done at many fronts i.e Parliament, police,cabinet and mainly STATE HOUSE. In these offices many are pretending to be NRM but are inside to tarnish and destroy the party and the president since the bush is not an option any more,proof to existence of the MAFIA who by the way started on me one year ago,a topic am soon opening publicly.

Therefore with all due respect, i kindly request the NRM members of Parliament to reconsider the 20m,add your one month salary, personally buy food for the people of your constituencies, hand it to the ministry of health with specific guidelines for your people.The ministry can then work with the RDC's and LC's to distribute the food to the sick and most vulnerable people.
There are so many people on strong medication like for TUBERCULOSIS AND HIV but lack food.These lists of patients can be gotten from all medical focal persons per medical facility or even the DHOs.

We await your noble response.


"I Will Leave Uganda and Go to Exile If Bobi Wine Becomes President"- Bebe Cool

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