#Bedridden Celebrities News

Celebrity Gossip

VIDEO: Jackie Chandiru's Current Health Condition Is Heartbreaking

Events and music promoter Balaam Barugahara has teamed up with gospel musician, Pastor Wilson Bugembe to start up a fundraising campaign aimed at saving the life of songbird Jackie Chandiru. In a wak

Celebrity Gossip

Unbelievable reasons why Jackie Chandiru was announced dead yet she went missing a few days ago

In the wee hours of 15th September 2019, social media was washed with rumor of how former Blue 3 singer Jackie Chadiru is dead only for her close friends and former manager to come out later to trash

Bedridden Jackie Chandiru still using dangerous drugs, exposing the girls who sneak in drugs for her

Former Blue*3 band singer Jackie Chandiru Ayaa is reportedly laying helplessly at Naguru hospital where she is battling with drug addiction.Having stamped her amazing cameo into competitive music this

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