#Sheikh Umar News


"Sheikh Umar Gave Me Only 1k During My Show"- Spice Diana Spills

Appearing as the special presenter for NBS Uncut, singer Spice Diana spilled secrets of how stingy man Sheikh Umar gave her only 1,000/= during her show at Freedom City. NBS Television gossip show

Celebrity Gossip

"Grace Khan is possessed by dark spirits, she bewitched Jovan and tried to kill his child"- Sheilk Umar

Sheikh Umar has exposed all singer Grace Khan's dirty underwear with secrets of how she tried to kill Jovan Luzinda's child and how she bewitched him. He also says he feels really bad for Kojj


Sheikh Umar Reveals His Source Of Income, It’s Unbelievable

So many people have always been wondering who Sheikh Umar Kamoga is but now we have gotten facts about him about his Biography, who Sheikh Umar is, where he gets his money from and why he is always he

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